Gloria is terrified of an attack from THE CLAW. Eleanor is enjoying this far too much.
I also cheated a bit. I had some extra money and I got the girls a walker and a play pen. I was happy with the results, but DID feel like I didn't get as much out of the game by letting them learn the skills on their own. Still haven't decided if I'll use them for future generations, but it was a learning experience.
Kyle enjoyed being a grandpa. (Officially Kyle's biggest fan) Also: Do you see her pink legs? Those aren't tights. Both of these girls are mermaids! When they are older, their legs will turn into a tails when they get into the water. AWESOME.
But of course, potty training doesn't come easy. These girls took FOREVER to potty train.
Eleanor gets ready to put a very sleepy and grumpy Heidi to bed.
And Uncle Finn enjoys making silly faces at Gloria in the swing. (Side note... I didn't realize that the swing has a fast setting and can make the baby nauseous and upset... OOPS. Sorry, Gloria!)
Two babies in a playpen mean that they can play peek-a-boo. SO PRECIOUS. They are completely adorable and quickly become best friends.
The back yard is coming along nicely. When they were toddlers, it was late winter/early spring. I decided that as soon as they aged into children, I was going to add a pool. Don't want them to get sick by jumping into the water in 40 degree weather.
The girls DID love their spring riders though. Kyle and Heidi spent a lot of time in the backyard playing on the playground together.
But the kids LOVE playing with their Imaginary Friend toys. They both have one. I seriously cannot rip Heidi away from hers.
Gloria obviously was not happy with the dinner that Kyle served her. I'm glad that I was quick to take this picture. I've never seen a toddler throw their food before.
Kyle gave her a very stern look as he cleaned up her big mess.
Brynn: Tomorrow is your birthday, Heidi! I can't believe that you're going to be a child already! The time really flies when you're having fun, huh?
Heidi is always cheesing for pictures. :P
I'm going to keep you guys guessing until the next chapter, but I promise they are GORGEOUS. Until then, I thought you might like to see the house at this point. The first picture is the second story.
And this is the first story. It's a little cluttered down there, I'm thinking I may do some serious renovations since the Greene's now have $40,000 sitting in their family funds.
One last sneak peak! The twin's bedroom is under-water themed! Eee! Mermaids. I'm SO EXCITED.
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