Friday, November 22, 2013

2.6 Happy Endings

Kyle is the cutest sim-daddy. Though Finn is quite an obnoxious baby, it all seems to fly by. His infancy fell on Kyle's weekend - he's usually working, so he really enjoys the time off to watch get to know his kids a little more. 


Eleanor's birthday! Huzzah! 

I have no idea what happened, but this picture was definitely worth sharing. 

She is. a. bombshell. She gets the Night Owl trait. 

And soon it is Finn's birthday! Thanks for the help, Penelope! 

He's pretty darn cute. Looks like his dad. 

The next few days are eventful. Eleanor is making A's in school almost immediately. She is usually very quick at getting through her homework. And her athletic trait is very prominent. She always working out! 

Dexter approached Kyle one day and asked for help learning to drive... 

They both ended up very stressed out, but Dex did get his license! 

See? There she is. Notice the vampire and werewolf in the background... *sigh* Pleasant View is a strange, strange town. 

And here's what I've been dreading for a while now. At 93 days old, Penelope passes away. 

I was very emotional... It wasn't easy to let her go. She's probably one of the most amazing Sims I have ever played and I got very, very attatched to her. She didn't meet her LTW... but I feel like that must have been a glitch as I did count 9 plants in the greenhouse that were 'Perfect'... she only registered 2/8. :/ 

Eleanor was constantly crying on someone's shoulder. This is probably due to having a perfect relationship with her grandma... and the fact that she likes to make a scene. 

Penelope and Leighton are buried together in the little cemetery on the back corner of the lot. :( They didn't have to live very long without each other though. And this only means that the legacy is moving forward. 

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